I was a little later to school this morning than usual, and this is the reason why...
I wasn't especially happy about the way our election turned out. To those that know me, I'm sure that isn't a huge surprise. So many of the policies and beliefs of the current administration go against what I believe to be true & right & good. But I was making an effort to put aside being upset, and keeping my eyes and my heart focused on who I am in the scheme of things.
As I left my apartment heading to school (on time at this point), I started to notice that things just seemed "rosey"! Then I noticed that the skies overhead were so incredibly beautiful! I had to pull over and grab my camera because it felt like a teachable moment :) It felt like a promise to me, much in the same way that a rainbow is a promise. There were all these really dark clouds, but the bottoms of them were beautiful shades of pink :)
I seriously sat parked in my car for like what seemed forever, but I'm sure was about 5 minutes. I kept snapping picture after picture as the sky just seemed to keep changing. And my heart started to feel more hope. Not that things are suddenly going to get all "fine", but that it isn't a hopeless situation. The same God of yesterday was still in control. He was not surprised by the outcome of the election. It may or may not have been the candidate of His choice being elected...but if it was not His choice, He has allowed it. And that is all I need to know.
I've witnessed a lot of name calling and garbage from quite a few people already today. I can't imagine much else gives satan more glee than having us in a beat down, whining & complaining state. I refuse to give him the satisfaction. To quote what used to be one of my favorite TV football coaches "clear eyes, full heart...can't lose". Even if the outcome of the game is not in your favor, if you keep your heart & eyes focused on the Maker of the skies...you can't lose what is most important.
not from this morning...but I love the glory rays!
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