One of the most disheartening things I have read in the past couple of days were people saying they were done with donations. The thought was that if folks wanted the government to take care of them, they could get what they needed that way. I don't understand that line of thinking. In fact, it felt like a stab in the heart.
I want to ask why you give?
Nothing gives me greater joy! I feel like I get way more in return than in any way it might give help to others. Just knowing that you have given a moment of happiness to someone who probably needed it so can you give that up because of world events? I understand not being able to afford to do a lot, but there are so many things you can do for very little money that will still mean the world to someone.
One of my favorite charities this time of year is Operation Christmas Child.
Collection week this year is next week! November 12th-19th. If you haven't ever filled a shoebox, or you aren't sure where to drop one off, here is the link for Samaritan's Purse with all the info you need! I did this last year with my 2 oldest grands, and hope we can do it again this year. It is a great lesson for them!
There are several things I like to do locally that are very low cost. The amount you spend isn't what is important! Just take the time to DO something. From your heart! Not as a form of revenge or to think it makes you a better person! Just be involved...reach out!
It's time to get our heads on straight! Do what you can to be part of positive change. If something of this magnitude is allowed to change the core of who you are, perhaps you need to take a 2nd look in the mirror. Love your family...reach out!
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
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