I had a thought yesterday that I wanted to write a blog post on my top 12 things from this past year. I got out a piece of paper to write on...and came up with 3 or 4 things. I got out my date books and looked back over the past 12 months, and I see that there isn't much outside of school written in them. So of course, that got me thinking deeper :)
The worldview of this year is focused on school. That has been the focus for several years! I thought that the highlight of that would be in applying for, and getting accepted into, the Bachelor's of Nursing program. But that didn't end up being the case. Don't get me wrong, the day I got that letter with my acceptance on it...there was dancing! But I didn't realize at that time that the rest of the semester was going to be such an uphill battle, and that the real war had just started! The culmination of that acceptance was actually last week in opening my transcript with the updated grades and seeing, in writing, that I had made it. I was seriously reduced to a puddle on the floor. And now...I am scared to death! I got a stethoscope for Christmas, and seeing it about sent me into panic. Stay tuned :)
Another biggie for me this past year was the Missoula Half Marathon in July. But that can't be "simple" either! I trained pretty well in the beginning. I remember the day I did my first 6 mile run...I was SO excited (and really wiped out!). Then things started to get interesting with the whole "make nani a nurse project", and my training fell off. Literally. Fell off the track. Shoes in the closet drawing dust. Chemistry. ugh. Should I still try to do it? I had paid for it already (on New Years Eve just before midnight...promising myself a better me). So I put it to a vote on facebook...where all the best decisions should be made! The vote was do it! So I did. It was one of the hardest things I have ever, ever done. The first 6 miles were ok...fun even :) But after that...not. so. much. I was offered an out at mile 10 by a very nice paramedic, and the not accepting of that ride still hurts in my left calf muscle every time I stretch it just the wrong way. I remember very little of the last 3 miles. I remember people cheering me on, offering encouragement to keep going. I remember 2 women whom I saw at least 4 times along the course...they were on the bridge that crosses the Clark Fork to the finish line. I felt like they were "my cheerleaders" along the way. To hear a complete stranger say they are proud of you, look them in the eye and know they mean it...I wish I had their addresses! I would have sent a thank you :) Instead I left them with "no offense, but I glad I won't have to see you again". But I did it. Slowly, painfully...I did it!
Facebook. I know it probably sounds kind of goofy, but it has been one of the best things of this past year! I have been able to reconnect with old friends, and learn more about new ones. I get to share pictures of my life, and see their life through the pictures they post. I have seen weddings, reunions and babies. Some posts make me laugh, and some make me cry. I have treasured it all! I'm not one of those that says you should only post "happy" on facebook. I have had the privilege to pray through everything from premature babies to cancer. Friends whose parents are passing. Life gets messy, so "happy" doesn't always cut it. I enjoy being a part of every part of the lives of my friends and family. Do some of the posts make we want to strangle someone? Umm...yeah. So what? Being able to be authentic, posting about a struggle and getting ((hugs))...knowing I'm not in it alone. Priceless. Putting up a picture of one of my grands, or a story that makes me laugh, and seeing the response...makes my heart smile :)
Pink October was fun! Adding to the fun was in being able to drag so many people along with me :) If you were around in October, you became adept at helping me spot "pink things" to photograph. Ahhh....I have some very patient friends :) Just yesterday I found out where this coffee came from!! I will support them next year!! Thanks again to the stranger that allowed me to take a photo of his coffee cup :)
I got to make a trip to Oregon for Thanksgiving with my kids. I will always hold the memory of one of the littles "ducking" under the bridges so we didn't bonk our heads :) 3 year olds are very observant! Although my dad's health continues to fail, and the trip was stressful in that regard, it remains a highlight.
Picking out some of my favorite Christmas songs and sharing them on facebook was fun too! I also got to discover some new ones. Cloverton's Hallelujah Christmas still gets played almost daily!! I am also trying to track down a way that we can order their music to sell where I work...emailed their manager last week. They are from the UK and are indies...so, hopefully we can work that out!
**just in case you missed it!! :) Awesome rendition of this song!!
Some of the worst came in December with the tragedy in Newtown, CT and the senseless loss of so many lives. But even out of that...good came! It has been so great to be a part of the 26 Acts of Kindness movement! I hope you all have been moved to reach out to those around you! It should be a way of life for us every day...we CAN triumph over evil. One of the greatest gifts I received for Christmas was from my daughter and her family. They sponsored a family through Salvation Army in my name :) It still makes me teary eyed! Do good things!
What will the year ahead bring? Looking at my schedule...it has all the promise of busy that the last year held. I'm trying to gather friends to come for marathon weekend in July (I am only planning the 5K this year!)...to run or just to gather. I hope for more sleepovers with the grands this year than I fit in last year. But the main focus is joy! I am blessed, and while it would be easy to focus on the "wrong" in the world...I will not make it my focus. I will not ignore it either, but it will not take the majority of my energy! Do good things :) that is all!
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