Like many people around the world, my thoughts have been focused outward the past few days. Although evil has been around forever, it came at us last Friday in a way that brought a fresh horror. Evil entered a grade school and took the lives of innocent children. My thoughts have been coming at me from all different places, and most of them are gut wrenching & soul searching places.
My first thoughts, as I watched the news most of last Friday, were those of a parent and a grand parent. I wanted to draw my family close and know they were safe, even though we are thousands of miles from Connecticut. I remembered how I felt on 9/11...desperate to talk to everyone I loved so I could just be sure that they were well. Knowing that our world was changing in ugly ways...wanting to return to the previous day or hour and make better decisions. I felt grief for the parents that wouldn't get the chance for another hug or good night kiss. I watched as some of the pictures started to come with a line of children holding hands as they were led to safety. That one little girl in blue, crying and scared...I wanted to just scoop her up and hold her until her own parents arrived.
I watched the posts online that said things like "God...hear our cries" and thought...He does. I wanted to say "hear His, too". I prayed for those families, and I continue to. I balked at the questions of "where was God in this?". I balked at the statements about how we had taken God out of the schools, so we had no right to ask where He was. I believe with all my heart that He was there. I believe that He pulled the souls of those children away before they could suffer greatly. I know they were scared. I know they were little lives that hadn't yet had the chance to make their own way. But I also know they are in a place of peace & joy unrivaled right now. My parents heart also knows that there isn't enough comfort in that to get through dark nights, but my heart of faith prays that one day it will be.
I've watched all the posts on facebook about our 2nd amendment rights. I've been frustrated at some of the misinformation as well, but that happens all the time. There have been quotes associated with "famous people" that they didn't really say. There has been a speech that was made by the father of one of the kids killed at Columbine...sensationalized and reposted with error. I have again thought that there are people in our world that have way too much time on their hands, that prey on us in our weakest moments and then sit back and watch the fruit of their labors. I'm for our right to keep & bear arms, don't misunderstand. I am armed, though I don't know if I could use it to protect myself...and I really don't ever want to find out. I could have used it to protect a room full of children. That I do know.
My thoughts then went to the place where Christmas comes next week. My heart of faith feels that it is no coincidence that evil has timed this tragedy for this time. Our hearts have been pulled away, even if for a moment, from the miracle of the birth we celebrate. I think evil has perfect timing to keep us unbalanced. Does that make the miracle of Jesus' birth any less important? Not at all. But this has caused some of those who believe to question. When that happens, evil scores a small victory. Not an all out win, because I've read the end of the book and I know that he doesn't get the Victory. But even small successes make me mad.
Then yesterday, I read about a movement that was starting and found the facebook page...hope swelled in me :) 26 Acts of Kindness was just what I needed to get heart moving in another direction. When I first went to their page, just over 3,000 people had "liked" it. This morning, as I write this post, it is just over 13,000! Each person saying they will extend an act of kindness to at least 26 others to honor each of the lives taken. That is more than 338,000 moments of Victory! That is where I want to focus my energy right now. Tell evil to take a hike with me...reach out in intentional acts of kindness. Merry Christmas :)
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